Manage all the data of your network and store it in a Historical Server

General Description
The MIRROR NMS control platform is designed to control and manage
All computers connected to the Internet through standard SNMP
communication protocol and manage a set adapt it to the
Maintenance and expansion needs of the network.
Using MIRROR NMS does not provide users with installation
dedicated but accessible software through any Internet browser
and HW platform like PC, tablet or smartphone.
All data and history are received and processed on the server
computer that users can access to check and verify the status of
the equipment. User settings provide various levels of
security and permissions through a dedicated page that is accessible
to the system administrator.
The NMS broadcast structure is listed below:
1) DASHBOARD: customizable page with tools, charts and maps for
general management
2) MAPS: customizable maps for simplified and visual control of the
3) GRAPHIC: customizable graphics in all quantities monitored by the
SNMP interface
4) DISPLAY: customizable menus that collect information from one or more sites
5) SYSTEM STATUS: Status of device alarms and customizable by the
user through activators
6) TRIGGER: values assigned by the user correlated with the chosen Radio
Electric quantities (power, temperature, etc.) among those available.
through SNMP.
7) EVENTS: List of events such as alarms or changes in status
8) ADMINISTRATION: Pages for user management, conditional access,
sending push email
Control Panel
Through it you can select and customize all the graphics and numerical tools for the simple and immediate management of both Network and "users or intervention teams".

Cartographic maps are shown where the different transmissions The devices are installed. Stations can be viewed with images or Simple icons that vary if the TX is in alarm, maintenance, shutdown or status not available Users can add and customize the amount of MAPS suitable for the size of the network.

They are menus customizable by the user that contain information about a single streaming site or multiple streaming sites. Inside you can add the graphs of the radio quantities chosen by the user. All graphs show the amounts referred to the historian from installation time

Event list divided by device and selectable from the drop-down menu by selecting the group to which it belongs.

Page that puts access management and interventions to be carried out. You can also check if the interventions have been assumed by the operators.

Station Hub - I / O Interface to SNMP
Every device that has an interface with Telesignals / remote controls can be connected to a station hub that communicates with a REMOTE I / O card to TCP / IP / SNMP that translates parallel contracts in the SNMP OID for management via CTE BLUE Broadcast NMS. In An indefinite number of interfaces can be installed on each workstation that can communicate with each other in TCP / IP or through the CAN BUS series bus, bringing in the inputs / outputs or their OID equivalents to a Almost infinite number.

Connections to remote surveillance devices
It can be done through a convenient terminal board. This interface
converts any type of digital or analog input / output signal into a
TCP / IP and web-based SNMP protocol
Thanks to RS232, RS485, Can Bus or I2C interfaces, it is easy
implement a custom protocol to convert from any proprietary protocol
to a standard TCP / IP-SNMP protocol or simply to transport any
proprietary protocol through an IP interface.
The REMOTE I / O to TCP / IP / SNMP tab has the following characteristics:
- 8 optoisolated digital inputs
- 8 optoisolated digital outputs
- 8 galvanically isolated analog inputs
- 2 galvanically isolated analogue outputs
- 2 canned bus ports
- 1 USB port
- 1 RS232 serial interface
- 2 RS485 serial interfaces
- 1 I2C interface
- Automatic IP recovery for easy search on the network
- 3 status LEDs
- TCP / IP protocol
- SNMP V1 / V2 protocol
- SMTP protocol (send and receive emails)
- Built-in web page with easy to customize JSON based file configuration
- Built in MIB file easy to customize
- Fully HTML5 compatible GUI, no JAVA required for the browser