Included among camera accessories, tripods are definitely one of the most indispensable ones.
It is a fundamental tool which guarantees a proper use of the cameras in the studio, limiting all sharp
movements while shooting.
They come in different materials:
- Carbon: more expensive but lighter, generally used for outdoor shooting given the ease of transportation;
- Aluminium: the most popular;
- Steel: for specific applications such as supporting the camera and heavy zooms.
It is very important to take into account the weight of the equipment that is to be
supported by the tripod.
They can have mechanical extension or controlled pneumatic extension for the most
performant versions.
The pneumatic suspension keeps the camera with all its accessories stable, and even with high weights
the operator will be able to move the camera with little effort.
They can be fixed to the ground or installed on specific wheels to be moved easily around the studio.
Different heads - depending on the user's necessities - can be mounted.