The minimum equipment to start a Radio Station Site is:
- FM Broadcast Transmitter
- FM Antenna
- Cable RF to connect the antenna to the FM Transmitter
- RF Connectors
In this page, we would like to show you the type of broadcast equipment that you need to set up a complete radio station.
This is a general overview of what a radio station really is, in order to help you clear your doubts and assist you in making your dream come true.
There are many doubts a broadcaster's mind is filled with when he first approaches the Broadcast Market.
Typically, a broadcaster is not a telecommunication engineer, and specific skills are required when approaching the purchase of professional broadcast equipment.
Furthermore, the FM Radio is a niche industry, and it is difficult to find engineers specialized in this vertical sector,
and it is of fundamental importance to be able to rely on a competent supplier with years of experience behind them.
That is why we have created this COMPLETE GUIDE for you.
First, let's look at some common questions.
Before we delve into depth, we want to give you an overview of the Radio Broadcast Equipment needed to start a Radio Station.
To broadcast is to cast, to throw something in all directions at the same time.
A radio broadcast program transmits airwaves for reception by anyone who is tuned in to the right frequency.
The term “broadcasting” evolved from the agricultural method of
sowing seeds in a field by casting them broadly about.
In fact, some synonyms are: send, distribute, diffuse, propagate, spread, disseminate, transmit.
In other words, "Broadcast" means transmitting a program from ONE to MANY.
Some synonyms for Broadcast Equipment are:
FM Transmission Equipment, Broadcast equipment for FM Radio Station, Broadcast Products, FM Broadcast Equipment, FM Radio Equipment, FM Radio Station Equipment, Radio Broadcasting FM, Radio Station Transmitter.
People often wonder whether a piece of equipment is of broadcast quality.
It is implicitly understood that broadcast equipment, unlike consumer equipment, is a type of product specifically developed for Broadcast purposes, and is therefore of superior quality.
The difference is easy to understand: consumer or professional products are used only a few hours a day.
Let's think about how many hours a day we use our car, or our washing machine, or our camera.
If we compare these with the use of FM Broadcast transmitters, we can easily understand why the quality of broadcast equipment must be absolutely superior to that of consumer or professional products: it is intended to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for many years.
Thereby: a broadcast product implies high quality and reliability.
Now we will answer a more frequent question: What Broadcast Equipment do I need?
You are ready to start an FM Radio Station and to build your FM Radio Studio?
Here we will go deeper into what you need in order to achieve this.
With this step-by-step guide we are also answering the question: How to select the right Broadcast Equipment to buy for an FM Radio Station?
We will show you what you need for each section of your radio and how it all fits together.
We will list all the necessary equipment for the different types of radios,
up to:
When we buy Broadcast Equipment to build an FM Radio Station there are three factors to be considered:
There are different types of FM Radios: Local, Community, Regional or National; Commercial, Non-commercial, Educational or Religious.
There are FM Radio Stations that cover a small area with a radius of 10km or less; those that cover an average area ranging from 30 to 70km; and those with a very large coverage of more than 100km in radius.
There are radios that have repeaters and cover large areas. In this case, they cover the points with a high density of population thanks to a dedicated transmitter.
Last but not least, there are Streaming radios or Web Radios.
Radios can broadcast rock/pop or classical music programs. They can be religious or news radios. They can focus on music or on spoken material.
You also need to think about whether you are planning to work alone or with other collaborators.
Radios can be born with the idea to remain the same through the years, or with the ambition to grow, from local to regional, or even to become a national network!.
Only with these considerations in mind can we choose the most suitable material to buy.
The main aspect to consider in selecting the equipment is the economic budget.
The question is: do we need to buy high-cost devices to have a good quality radio?
The answer is: NO.
By carefully choosing the material and the supplier, you can build a good quality radio station with a limited budget.
For a small local radio just a 4-channel audio console, (the type used for music recordings), a microphone and headphones for a few euros, a table, a chair, a 50W transmitter
and an antenna…
and with even just €3,000 you are on-air!
Moving beyond this first station, however, there are infinite nuances to be embraced:
...the minimum cost could start from €500,000!
In conclusion, starting with a small budget, choosing carefully, you can always set up a good radio: dignified and with a good quality.
After all, as in all things in life, what matters is: making the right choices and having high quality content.
Building a radio or modernizing it is not an easy task, but it is certainly an exciting activity.
We hope that with our help this work will be easier.
Our commitment is to help you make the right decisions and get the best results with the budget you have available.