What type of lighting and special effects equipment do you need in a TV studio?
In a professional studio, it is essential to have proper lighting, especially when using virtual sets
with a chroma key -
in these cases, the lighting will have to be strong and evenly spread throughout the scene.
As a point of reference, you need at least 20 LED panels for a 20 square meter studio.
The bigger the studio - and the higher the ceiling -, the more lights you are going to need.
Apart from the standard white lights, there are many lighting effects you can install,
either on the ceiling on trusses or directly on the floor around the scene.
There are many special effects on the market, mobile heads being the most popular. Managed by a specific
control unit via the DMX protocol,
they are used to create special dynamics and atmospheres.
Even more spectacular is the combination of these with smoke machines, which
highlight the light's beams and shapes.
In the case of plays, Par LEDs are widely used.
These are directional projectors which, thanks to the latest LED technology,
allow you to change color (via the DMX control unit) without having to manually adjust the light itself.
They can be installed both on the ceiling or on the floor.
Very popular are also LED bars. These are illuminated bars about 1 meter long
(depending on the model)
which project a steady light in the chosen color, or can also generate light-chasing
effects still managed by the DMX unit.
They are used to create a perimeter around the scene, or special effects when installed on the ceiling.
Apart from smoke machines, there are other types of machines that are used to achieve the desired
effect: snow, wind, foam, etc.